The amazing RealTracks features in Band-in-a-Box keep growing more powerful.
Many of the new features in Band-in-a-Box let you make even better use of these exciting live studio tracks - features like enhanced pushes, the option to have Jazz chords play as triads or 7ths, half-time and double-time timebase settings, and StylePicker filtering.
Plus we’ve released 101 new RealTracks in Sets 83 to 101 featuring more Jazz bass and guitar, Bluegrass fiddles and mandolins, Jazz B3 organ, Smooth Jazz guitar, bass, and saxophone, and much more.
Type in the chords to any song using standard chord symbols like C or Fm7b5; and Band-in-a-Box does the rest, automatically generating a complete professional-quality arrangement of piano, bass, drums, guitar, strings and more.
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